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Thursday, 14 January 2010

Flickr Talk

Ok so my Flickr account has been active for a while now and I do think its a very good way to show off my photos. Given the fact I neither have the domain or server space to make and host a gallery.

So whats on my Flickr?

I use it for all the photoshoots I like to go on. The quality varies given the fact that at the moment I don't own a camera, something that I will at some point fix. So when I do get the urge to go out and take pictures it can be on allsorts of cameras and the quality varies greatly.

If it's bad quality is it even worth it?

Suprisingly yes! I have gotten some brilliant acidental shots on bad cameras because they react a certain way. For instance the camera I have been using lately has a tendancy to over expose things and this has lead to some brilliant shots where I have picked a focal point to luminate.

I hope people are checking my Flickr link out as I do put a lot of effort into my shoots and would like to think I am improving!

Here are few of my best shots as an example.

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