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Friday, 27 November 2009

Proud of a Profile - My CSS and BB Code Exploits.

I guess it’s odd to admit that you are on a ‘hangout’ website but I have been so since the age of 13 and never really left...

At any rate their standard profiles leave a lot to be desired so it spurred to make my own using CSS and naturally to tweak it using BB codes for the minor polish ups and I am rather pleased with the result.

Unfortunatly you cannot see profiles unless you log in, so a screen grab will have to do.

The Background is actually a GIF I found that I fell inlove with as it twinkles.

There are boarders around each individual comment in the comments section (not shown)

All of the individual boxes have had thier backgrounds set to transparent and any important title in the 'about' box has had the font changed to turquoise by BB code.

All Gaia content is obviously custody of Gaia and does not belong to me.