For all things Media, Arts, Gaming, Technology, Creativity, Arts + Crafts and Geek + Nerd Culture related!

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

How to get the most out of gaming. (For parents who worry about gamer kids)

It can be a little daunting being a parent in the modern world, with your kids wanting the latest consol for Christmas, spending days glued in front of a TV blasting enemies or jumping bright coloured platforms.

Do you feel like you can't relate to them or worry that they aren't getting anything from the experience other than entertainment? Well there are some simple ways you can put your mind at ease.
Take an interest: This may be really hard to do when your young child is constantly babbling at you about brightly coloured monsters or when your teen is talking about how they 'pwnd' all the enemies and got a lot of head shots but ask them what they are playing and what they like about it. There may be surprising ways you can turn it into a positive experience for them or for both of you! For example if your teen really likes war games, talk to them about the period its depicting, the differences of real verses game world. Any WW2 game can open up a dialog on that part of history, tell them about any relatives that were alive back then, show them family medals from then if you have them. Find out why your child likes the games and talk to them. Maybe the reason your son or daughter likes the monster games is because they take care of them or maybe they enjoy the story, you won't know unless you ask and believe me they will relish in telling you all about it. 

Play together: If you are into games this is easier, Love an old Mario or some other retro game? Take turns in playing it with your kid or better still find a co-op, they will have fun seeing what you like and trying to do it as well as you if not better. If you are not into games this can be a little scary but ask your child to teach you or show you, they will get a massive kick out of feeling so accomplished and helping a grown-up and you get to see how smart they actually are.  

Offer help: Knowing that a parent has your back, even if it's just that you can snuggle on the sofa, safe in the knowledge that they will Google an answer for you when you get stuck, really means a lot to a child. It shows that not only are you interested in them but that you are there for them too! Here is where gamer parent's actually fall over, yes they may have fallen down the same pit at least a hundred times but accept if they don't take you up on your offer of assistance, do help them if they really are stuck but try to encourage them to solve the puzzle or jump a gap on their own. Be supportive and encouraging, as tempting as it is to do it for them, they won't learn or grow if you help them out the moment they become stuck, allow them to progress on their own at their own pace, be supportive if they fail, they will get there in end, no matter how annoying you find the game over music. 

Encourage deeper research:  Tones of games have interesting facts hidden in them, they are a great way to encourage your child to research deeper into things, be it finding all the secret arrears on a walkthrough or learning about the meaning of the names of certain characters; for example in one game a character was called Yggdrasil, this opens up a whole area of research on Norse mythology that you can explore together and may even give you both a deeper understanding of some parts of the game. I myself would not know some of the things I do now if I hadn't seen it in a game and researched it.  You can even weave some games into your child's education, for example if they are studying samurai at school then why not play something Like Shogun Total War and bring that part of history to life in a small way? There are so many games with so many subjects that even pure entertainment games can be an opportunity to educate. 

Pick age appropriate games:  It's very easy to blame games for having a bad effect on your kids but be mindful of the age ratings on games, they are there for a reason and are too often ignored. Can your child really handle the content of the 18 rated game they are bugging you for at the age of 12? A smart way to make informed choices is to play a little yourself or ask the staff in the shop what they think of it. There are games out there that can give very positive life lessons about friendship, love, sacrifice, teamwork and a whole host of other things. For example the game 'Tales of Symphonia' is packed with positive lessons like how to be brave and selfless. Read reviews and make informed choices about the games you actually let your kids play. 

Get the whole family involved: Party games can be a really great way to spend family nights in and they are becoming more and more accessible to non gamers . Why not have a Wii Sports night where even Grandma and Grandpa join in with the bowling? There are plenty of party games that you can enjoy as a family that are not just fun at Christmas or parties but great for family nights in!

So there you go, the key things to keep in mind are; listen, try and relate even in a small or remote way, be supportive, be encouraging, make informed choices on the games they play, get involved if you can, and if you can find an educating tie in go for it!

Update: I will be doing spotlights on games that can help education the first of which is now here

Thursday, 14 November 2013

More Lame Adventures of Captain Hat Spoon...

I never thought there would be a part two of this badly drawn nugget of crazy but there is!

This episode is dedicated to Lyekka who is more than likely the only person that views this blog! This adventure was specially written for you Lyekka so enjoy!

If you like this nugget of nutty and would like your own episode please leave a comment! :)

What will our hero get up to next? 

Stay tuned for more riveting adventures of Captain Hat Spoon!

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

How (NOT) to be a 'Huntard' in WoW (A simple guide)

If you live on planet earth and have not been living under a rock with your fingers in your ears the whole time, it is safe to assume that you have at least heard of the MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Play Game) World of Warcraft. It's a great game and is incredibly addictive populated by many ages of players from all walks of life and all corners of the globe. However there is a blight so insidious to this universe of Orks Elves and Dwarves that the fanbase has even created a moniker for such players. This dear friends is the blight known as 'huntards' to give a little bit more explanation WoW works on a system where you pick a race and a class, i.e. rouge, monk, hunter, warrior, druid etc.The problem arises from the fact that each class is unique in some way and can take time to master. Hunters however (of whatever race) seem to get the most flack and sadly, more often than not, it's well deserved.

So without further ado here is a handy Do's and Do not's list to help make WoW a better place for you and all the other players that have ever run into a wall or mob because someone has left their aspect of the pack on.

DO: Be mindful of your aspect, Hunters all have three aspects (1, the hawk - for when you are shooting things, 2, the cheetah - for when you need to run faster, 3, the pack - for when all your friends need to run faster) I know this may sound simple but forgetting to switch from pack to anything else can actually wipe a party, as the increased movement speed can make you run into mobs or walls, not to mention the stun when you get hit. It's easy to forget in the commotions of raids but pay attention. There is also a glyph that gives you a mini pet for a little bit when you switch aspects if you need a visual clue. (or just like the tart value)Stay mindful of your aspects!

DO NOT: Leave your pets growl on in a raid or dungeon! A hunter is a DPS class and as such is there to do steady damage while the tank of the party gets butchered. Growl pulls agg (threat level) away from the tank making their life a nightmare as they try to keep the mobs attention on them. As funny as it is to see the tank lose their marbles trying to work out why they are not holding the attention of the mob, please remember that you are making their life harder and putting your team at risk of a wipe.

DO: Have your pets growl on when you are solo in the field. This is the true reason they have this ability, to tack the flack off you. When you are solo have your pet have growl on so that things munch on them instead of you. If it's hard to remember to switch it on and off use a curiosity or ferocity for raiding and tenacity pets for solo questing, that way you can leave the raiding pet's growl off permanently.

DO NOT: Multi-shot or barrage randomly, I know this sounds like a no brainer but things that hit multiple targets can get you in a lot of trouble if you don't pick your moments...

DO: Arcane shot everything in the face, lots! No really just do.

DO: Keep an eye on your focus, you can recharge it with certain shots and abilities as you level. This is a bit of a no brainer but you need this to use anything so keep an eye on it.

DO: Camp out at rare pet spawns, they are annoying and you will want at least one so find the one you want and camp it till you get it.

DO NOT: Be a dick and kill rare pets if another hunter is taming it. I mean come on! How would you like it if you were a few seconds away from getting the rare pet you always wanted and someone killed it out of spite? It happens far too often and its petty and annoying! If a hunter is taming the pet you want either walk away or be cordial and congratulate them. Don't be a giant dick!

Note: The proper use of Misdirect, Hunters have this ability where they can shift a mobs attention to a specific target. Misdirecting onto a tank and then letting off a multi-shot will make all the things you hit run at the tank, this is very useful in raids. In the field it's a great way to attention off you and back onto your pet, because if things are chewing your ankles off, odds on its all gone a bit runny... Don't, as funny as it is, Misdirect onto a healer... ever!

So there you have it a small list of things that around 80% of hunters seem to ignore, basically use your common sense, pay attention, don't be an ass-hat and you will be playing this class properly as a true hunter!

Sunday, 3 November 2013

The lame adventures of Captain Hat Spoon... (because every blog seems to need a web comic.)

Because everyone that runs a successful blog seems to have a web comic, I thought I would jump on the band wagon of stick men. Enjoy the silly and the random adventures of the Lamest ever super hero ever... He may also have a small obsession with apple sauce...

Why is he obbsessed with apple sauce?
Why does he use a spoon?
Does any one even really care?

Stay tuned for the next installment of Captain Hat Spoon!  

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Media Review - Alice: Madness Returns

So it's been ages since I have written a media review... this is for two main reasons;

1) At this stage I don't think anyone actually subscribes / reads this blog

2) I currently don't have sufficient money to buy a new game to review each month.  Yes I am well aware that I don't have to review current games or even games at all but it is the most relevant topic and also the most fun to review. 

So why I am still doing reviews? Basically so that I don't go rusty. 

Alice: Madness Returns

The sequel to the original American McGee's Alice a game for PC released in 2000, it  markets itself as a 'physiological horror' however it plays more like a platform-puzzler with some very familiar elements of all the best bits of well loved retro platformers mixed with challenging yet enjoyable 3D platforming. 

I had played the original game as a teen and remember being thrilled with the darker take on Alice's Adventures.  So eventually I decided to treat myself to the sequel after seeing the screenshots and being hooked by just how lovely the graphics were... I admit that, while a game can be retro and not have amazing graphics if it has a good storyline and smooth mechanics, I am a little bit of a sucker when it comes to good graphics. Often this trait, given the state of the gaming industry currently, has lead to disappointment. 

With 'Alice: Madness Returns' however finally I have not been disappointed!  The story is intriguing and polished, the yo-yo between 'real' and wonderland is all at once jarring and smooth and wonderfully, utterly, creepy in some parts.  The game weaves bits of reality into the explanation of wonderland in a fascinating and meaningful way and you never quite know when Alice will next plunge into madness.  So the story gets my approval, what about the mechanics? 

Well this is a tough question. I do not (as much as would like) have a gaming keyboard. So playing with a keyboard I decided to start off on easy, thinking this would compensate for my keyboards age and breed... I was pleasantly surprised to find that the actual default setup was very intuitive, comfortable and flowing! In the past I have played games that actually hurt you to play because of the keys required to complete actions.  But on keyboard this game makes sense, it feels right and good! However I was still finding things hard, I presumed my lack of accuracy was because of being rusty using a keyboard to control the game... this was until a one incident where, not pressing any keys, Alice jumped herself off a cliff...  My poor 'w' key so sick of being abused decided to exert its own freewill... My non-gaming keyboard, when being asked to register more than two keys at time, was having an aneurism! This resulted in death, multiple do-over's and some very funny incidences (also the decision that when I have more cash a new keyboard may be a wise investment) but ultimately a decision to plug in the x-box controller and give my poor old keyboard a break... The game handles very well on a controller and feels more nostalgic and classically game-y that way. I did keep the keyboard nearby however as the game lets you use both, a feature that I found pleasing. As long as you have a good gaming keyboard the game is easily and comfortably playable on both keyboard or controller! A trait sadly more PC games do not share... 

So how good are the graphics? Well I find it hard to tare myself away from the stunning environments and do things like drink and eat!  Some of the locations are just so breathtaking that it's almost a shame you have to leave them. Likewise some of the darker and more twisted locals are jaw-dropingly detailed, so much so that you don't know whether to flee or explore and even the 'real life' sections that are mostly in sepia hues look gorgeous. The fact that it looks so good really softened the blow for me when my decrepit keyboard had pitched a fit and walked me off a ledge for the 10th time, It may have been annoying to walk all the way back to the start of the platforms but at least the scenery was stunning. 

So to sum it up it is a very good game! It has enough combat and weapon choices to keep the fights entertaining (the weapons are brilliant by the way) and enough hidden secrets and puzzles to keep my brain engaged. It mixes some of the best elements of 2D and 3D platforming with a highly polished story and visuals.  So as a game its fun and engaging and while the horror aspect of it is a little lost on me (not that I don't love how dark and twisted it is, in fact that's maybe why) the subtle psychological nods are very satisfying. Games as good as this I feel lend weight to the 'Games are Art' argument...

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Creative Challenge!

Just wanted to put in shameless plug for some creative competitions I will be taking part in over at the Happener.

Hopefully some of my submissions will be picked. :)

Wish me luck!

My entry:
People run like it's the end of the world. 
Push past me, jostle, bustle... 
It leaves me feeling small and angry. 

I try to turn but fate seems to want to go left.
So I am left lumbering, stumbling, trying to push... 
The crowd bears down, tuts, shake their heads at me. 

I want to swing for them, lash out, get out... 
Where is the checkout? 
Shopping isn't fun!