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Thursday, 7 April 2011

Rant- Retro Gaming and Nostalgia Goggles.

So wandering the interwebs as I am want to do I have come across a raging debate in the gaming community about retro games compared to the new games. Now I am not above the occasional "in my day we only had three lives and liked it" kind of comment or feeling (being raised in the era of Mega Drive and SNES) but it truly baffles me just how much some people get so angry about the fact games have progressed.

It seems a large amount of the gamer community is just so stuck in their ways that it sparks aggression just suggesting change.

I truly wonder if these people are the same ones that as children dreamed of VR-headsets and having personal robots... If they were how did that spark die?

Now this post was spawned by this YouTube vid:

It's witty and funny and part of me can't help but agree with the some of the sentiment. However having actually played Hart Gold I can say that I give full thumbs up for remakes!

I like the fact that games have and will continue to progress, its a good thing and gets me one step closer to my VR-headset!